Daventry Area Community Transport (DACT) – Volunteer Recruitment
Urgent appeal for volunteer drivers in our community – volunteer numbers have HALVED since the pandemic. Please help if you can!
Published: 2 March 2023

Daventry Area Community Transport (DACT) provide a community transport service for elderly and vulnerable people to get them to and from their medical and wellbeing related appointments. The door-to-door service is a crucial lifeline for those who are unable to access suitable public transport. It also enables people to maintain independence in their own homes and reduce their reliance on family, friends and neighbours for lifts.
DACT also operates a free home-to-town transport service each Friday for over 65s in Daventry. The Dial-A-Ride scheme provides a friendly, flexible and helpful service to elderly and vulnerable people who would otherwise be isolated and unable to independently access shops and other activities in the town centre. For many it is their only trip out of the house each week. Local volunteer drivers are crucial to the continued operation of this much needed service.
DACT minibuses are also used for DACT Days out, a programme offering a wide range of day trips to museums, stately homes, pub lunches, the seaside and other places of interest. These popular trips are crucial in helping combat loneliness and isolation and enable the elderly and vulnerable to make new friends and have a fun day out. DACT also hire the minibuses out for ad hoc bookings by affiliated groups from around the area and drivers are often needed for these bookings too.
If you are recently retired, work part-time or from home, volunteering for DACT as a driver would be a great way to help in your community. Drivers are needed 7 days a week and at weekends.
A DBS is required, and drivers are paid mileage or an allowance for each journey made. All journeys are booked in accordance with the volunteer’s availability on a weekly basis, so whatever time you can give, whether a few hours or several days a week, will make a difference. All minibus drivers must complete MiDAS (Minibus Driver Awareness Scheme) training which DACT provide inhouse.
For more information about becoming a volunteer driver send us a message or call 01327 701665 during office hours.
info@dact.uk.com www.dact.uk.com https://www.facebook.com/DaventryAreaCT
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