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Staverton Educational Foundation

Staverton Educational Foundation is a charity formed in the mid 18th century by two elderly lady residents of the village to provide financial support for the on-going maintenance of Staverton Church of England School, and grants for villagers wishing to further their education.

Published: 3 May 2023

When the Staverton Educational Foundation was founded many people were uneducated, and the aim of the Foundation was to provide money for books to enable poorer people to study. Today grants are made available to qualifying parishioners who are in formal education for specific educational requirements which might now include computer software or hardware, educational trips, travelling and other expenses.

The Foundation maintains close contact with the School and still provides regular grants to the Governors to assist with the cost of various requirements and activities.

The charity is also known as the Baker and Burbridge Charity.

The Staverton Education Foundation  (Baker Burbidge Trust)

The Staverton Education Foundation is a Historic Charity for the ‘Educational Benefit of the youth of the Parish of Staverton. As well as supporting the local School, it is able to provide financial assistance for education and training (including social and physical), for different activities, outside that normally provided for within the State provision. Its particular interest of late has been to assist school leavers
wishing to continue in further education and/or Work and apprenticeship schemes.

Applicants should be under the age of 25 years, have at some time attended Staverton Primary School be currently living or have a parent living within the Parish of Staverton.

Anyone wishing to apply for a grant contact: Gwen Proudlock, Trust secretary, 7 Home Close, Staverton, NN11 6JR. (Tel. 01327 706951) or any of the other Trustees who are: Gwen Darby, Shirley Frost, John Golding and Maureen Maplethorpe.

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